This is a double page spread from a hip-hop magazine which features hip hop artist Lupe Fiasco. Both pages are the same colour which is black. What makes this page different from a usual double page spread layout is that the headline isn't at the top of the page. Instead it is in the lower third of the first page (on the left) going across the main image in a rectangle as shown below.The article is on the page to the right and it takes up half of the page. The article is feature-based article with the purpose to inform as it is explaining what the artist Lupe Fiasco has been doing and plans to do. The text differentiates between two colours to make it clear of the sections in the text. Cohesion and organisation is created through the colour scheme of white and yellow which is maintained on both pages.
Notice the main image shows ideologies and creates representations of the normal hip-hop artist through his expensive jewellery such as the gold watch and dark clothing. The characters holds a careless pose which shows a sense of arrogance. However, in comparison to the double page spread showing r&b artist 'Jamelia' (Research 1) who is doing a sexy pose to draw in her audience, Lupe fiasco is wearing glasses which conveys the reporesentation that there is a lot of intelligence behind his music. This makes the audience picture him as an intelligent person instead of just a cocky rapper.
The rectangle creates organisation as none of the text will be coming out of the rectangle and allows for easier alignment of the text. The headline in this double page spread is describing the what the article is about. In this rectangle they've also written the byline for the artical. This lets the reader know who the creator of the article is straight away; also the topic of the story straight away. The byline is much smaller than the headline which creates a clear understanding of which is the byline and which is the headline. The colour scheme is kept through the variation of white and yellow colours in the headline and byline text which creates cohesion throughout the pages.
Here there is a small section of the magazine dedicated to the call-out/pull-quote which is next to a dark sub image which can only just be seen. Some words in the quote are in white while the rest of it is in yellow; Which contrasts with the main body text which is white with the other sections in yellow. The important words being in white makes the reader think about the quote and adds a sense of importance to these words. This sectioning of the quote and image give the page structure as the main body text then takes up the rest of the page. The two columns on this page are clear and organisation is also clear. The sub image shows the artist performing which conveys represenations of hip hop music due to his cocky pose, aggresive facial expression and wealth is shown through his jewellery. This picture being only blue and black makes sure that it doesn't stand out too much drawing attention away from the pull quote, but is still seeable enough to inform the audience of his character. Representations of music are also shown through the prop of a microphone in his hand which makes it clear to the audience that this is part of amusic magazine.
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