Wednesday, 21 March 2012

[Music Magazine] Contents Page Mock Up

This is the design i created and deicded to follow when creating my music magazine contents page. Soon i will edit this post and talk about the elements of this design, explaining why i chose to place and organise my front page like this.

Much like the front page, the majority of my creative decisions were influenced by my research of other hip-hop music magazine contents pages. The colour scheme is influenced by the colour scheme on the front page as it uses the same colour scheme which creates cohesion between the two pages which makes for a better presentation and better organisation. However unlike most of the contents pages i researched i decided to go with using a main image and two sub images instead of just using one main image. This is because i wanted to differentiate my magazine from the usual yet still keep conventions that would make it clear that this is a hip-hop music magazine. It also allows me to link the pages to more images which makes it easier for the reader to find the article they want to read or attract them to another article which will help them and attract them to my magazine. There are also features of the contents page that are exactly the same as the front page such as the logo in the top left hand corner which will add to the cohesion of the magazine.

I intend to follow the exact design used for my mock-ups by gathering the information and images first and then applying them in place as they are shown in my mock-up. I will be using Adobe Photoshop CS3 and also Adobe InDesign CS3 to create my contents page which allow me to place information and images as i would want it with also many more features that will further the development of my mock-ups such as crop tools etc. This also includes effects (such as inner bevel) that will enhance the look of my magazine.  

A layout convention which is depicited in my magazine mock-up includes the idea of having the features (information) on the right hand side of the page in a column. This is a design used by many other hip-hop music magazines so i would say it is a specific convention. I'm using this convention to make it clear to the audience that this is a hip-hop music magazine, which will be noticeable as it will have many features of other music magazines. However I've also used conventions that will differentiate my magazine from others in my mock-ups such as having more than one image. I believe differentiating my magazine from others will make it more attractive for my target audience which is why i have chosen to do such. Other types of conventional elements i've used include the dark contrasted with light colour scheme which is shown by the dark background and the bright text which also makes it clear that my magazine is a hip-hop music magazine as this is common between such magazines. I also plan on using sans-serif text which is also usually used by hip-hop magazines which will not only add to the cohesion between the front page and the contents page but also add to making the genre of my music magazine clear. It's also easy for the reader to read.

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